Where can I use my TCU SmartCard?

You can use your SmartCard at any merchant that accepts eftpos or Visa (including online stores) provided that the merchant does not sell alcohol, tobacco products, gambling products or specific cash-like products, gift cards and prepaid cards.  If a merchant’s primary business activity is the sale of alcohol, tobacco or gambling products (e.g. a bottle shop or casino), it will be blocked automatically and you will not be able to use your SmartCard.

You may be able to use your SmartCard to purchase goods and services from a store that sells both restricted goods (such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling products or specific cash-like products, gift cards and prepaid cards) and unrestricted goods if that store has arrangements in place not to process transactions that include restricted goods.  These stores are referred to as “Participating Mixed Merchants” and are listed here.

If a store selling both unrestricted and restricted goods has no arrangement in place to prevent transactions for restricted goods, it will not be able to accept the SmartCard.  These stores are referred to as “Blocked Merchants” and can be found here.