There are many ways to check how much money you have available in your account, all of which are available 24 hours a day. These include:
- Logging into your online Cashless Debit Card account at
- Logging into your TCU CDC mobile app
- Sending the SMS “BAL XXXX” from your registered mobile (where XXXX is the last four digits of your Cashless Debit Card number) to 0427 120 202 and we will send you an SMS with the amount of money you have in your account
- Obtaining a free balance enquiry from any one of the following ATMs:
- any TCU ATM;
- any Westpac, St. George, BankSA, and Bank of Melbourne ATM;
- any other ATM in Australia that does not charge a fee for balance enquiries (including Commonwealth, NAB and ANZ ATMs); and
- Calling the Customer Service Centre on 1800 828 232 (freecall) and following the prompts to hear your available balance.