Our Team

From left to right: Annual General Meeting, Micky Wunungmurra (Ex-Chair: Board of Directors), David Knights (Chair: Board Risk Committee), Richard Bandalil (Ex-Director) and David Djalangi (Director)

Our Team – Board Members

TCU is governed by a Board of Directors who meet at least quarterly to monitor the progress and direction of the company. The Board currently consists of nine Board members, five being Indigenous. Our Indigenous Board Directors are leaders from several different Indigenous Communities who bring a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to the Board in addition to representing the people of their regions. Our Non-Indigenous Board members bring a range of valuable professional skills to the Board. With backgrounds in Finance, Governance, Compliance and Government Relations they each contribute significantly to the direction of TCU.

Peter Djumbu

Non-Executive Director. Director since 2024.
  • Community Representative from the Ramingining Community

David Djalangi

Non-Executive Director. Director since 2002.
  • Traditional Owner from Galiwinku, Elcho Island
  • Member of the Full Council of the Northern Land Council
  • Member of the Advisory Council of East Arnhem Regional Council
  • Employed by ALPA

Lily Roy

Non-Executive Director. Director since 2024.
  • Community Representative from the Milingimbi Community

Bunug Galaminda

Non-Executive Director. Director since 2010.
  • Traditional Owner from Warruwi Community, Goulburn Island
  • Member of the Full Council of the Northern Land Council
  • Chair of the Yagbani Aboriginal Corporation
  • Member of the Ajurumu Store Committee

Richard Bandalil (Director Mentor)

Director Mentor. Director from 2016 to 2023.
  • Traditional Owner from Ramingining Community
  • Member of the Committee for Dinybulu Regional Services
  • Member of the Committee for ALPA Stores

David Knights

Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Board Risk Committee and Member of the Audit & Finance Committee. Director since 2009.
  • Senior Executive with National Australia Bank
  • Degree in Engineering
  • Masters of Business Administration MBA
  • Director and Company Secretary of the Australian Custodial Services Association
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors GAICD

Elsbeth Torelli

Non-Executive Director, Company Secretary, Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee and Member of the Board Risk Committee. Director since 2016. Company Secretary since February 2018.
  • Chief Operating Officer at First Option Bank
  • Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants
  • Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia
  • Director of Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA)

Iain Summers

Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Board, Member of the Audit & Finance Committee and Member of the Board Risk Committee. Director since 2005.
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Chartered Accountant FCA
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors FAICD
  • Independent Chair of Risk Management and Audit Committees
  • Self-employed Consultancy Business

Sharyn Innes

Non-Executive Director and Member of the Board Risk Committee. Director since 2016.
  • Director of Sharyn Innes Consultancies

Our Team – Staff

Our employee base consists primarily of Indigenous people who live in the communities that we service. 85% of our staff identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and speak the local languages of the customers they serve. With roles ranging from teller through to supervision and senior management roles we provide a number of career pathways.

Talent is recognised and encouraged at TCU. Staff are provided with the tools and opportunities that directly link them with the organisation’s vision and mission, allowing them to advance and grow within the business.

Each branch has a designated Branch Coordinator in Head Office to provide daily support, mentoring and assistance with all day-to-day requirements.

Tony Hampton

Chief Executive Officer since May 2018.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy BA(Acc)
  • Fellow of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants FCPA
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors GAICD